Performing a Cost Benefit Analysis to Recession Proof Your Giving

A Giving Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool

As the world rests on the brink of a global recession, your church may already be experiencing reduced giving levels as members struggle with rising inflation.

While you can't control economic conditions, you CAN "recession-proof" your church's giving.

Not sure where to start?


Rising food, gas, and housing prices.

We're here to help! 

Start with your monthly giving statement and analyze the “true cost” of your giving platform on your bottom line.

Hint...It involves more than simply looking at the credit card and ACH rates.

Complete a Cost-Benefit Analysis

We have created a Cost-Benefit Analysis template so you can plug in a few numbers from your giving platform’s card processing and ACH monthly statements for immediate insight on the true cost of your giving platform.

  • Download the Cost-Benefit Analysis template 

  • Reference a recent Card Giving and ACH monthly statement

  • Input the information with the help of our 5-minute walkthrough video

Download the cost-benefit analysis template.
Cost-benefit analysis video walkthrough

Need help completing the analysis?

Simply submit the form and note you would like help with a cost-benefit analysis and one of our account executives will reach shortly.


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